Thursday, October 7, 2010

Road trip!

I'm headed to Youngstown tomorrow after work. I haven't been since my whirlwind trip for Diana's wedding in June so I'm excited for some much needed time with my bestie. I hate that we live four hours apart but I love that we're still so close. She understands me better than anyone I know and has put up with so much crap over the years. Plus, I'm taking her out for a run with me and I'm totally going to kick her butt! ;-)

Things have been crazy since classes started last week. I'm taking a Stats class which is completely kicking my butt. Whoever decided I should have to take Stats should be strung up by their toes. Ugh. This is the first Master's level class I've actually had to study for!

I need to start looking at studying for the comps. I'm not taking it here in Ohio until August but I'm taking the state boards in Colorado in June so eventually I'm going to have to start studying for it. Maybe over winter break. We'll see.

I had an interesting hour and a half phone call with Mike last night about politics and religion and our views on different subjects within those realms. I didn't get off the phone until almost 1 a.m. and I had to be up at 6:45 so even though I was sleep deprived today it was completely worth it to hear that someone else feels the way I do.

I should go pack but I'll wait until Jersey Shore is over in ten minutes. Hopefully I'm in bed by 11:30 so I can actually get some sleep before driving four hours after work tomorrow!

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