Friday, December 10, 2010


Since my last bitter and upset entry, things have actually started to turn around. I got an e-mail while I was at work today saying that my computer was ready to be picked up! I picked it up from the Geek Squad at Best Buy on my way home from work and was pleasantly surprised and ecstatic to find out that they had managed to save EVERYTHING and I mean EVERYTHING! I didn't lose any of my music, my pictures, or my documents! This is great news because I was devestated at the thought of losing all of my pictures but luckily that didn't turn out to be the case!

The other night I spent three and a half hours at Megan's house taking my Stats final since my computer was at Best Buy. After I had submitted it, our scores were made available and I had failed. And I don't mean by a little. I got a 49% on the final which gave me what I thought was a solid C+ in the class. For our program, we have to get a B- in every graded class we take so I was distraught at the thought of having to retake Stats because I had missed a B- by three tenths of a point.

Imagine my surprise tonight when I logged into blackboard to send my professor an e-mail and found that she had posted our final grades and I got a solid B in the class. Not a C+, not a B-, but a solid B! This means I won't have to retake the class this summer like I thought I would! This also means I won't have to cancel my trip to Denver!! WOO!!

I'm not really sure how I wound up with a B. It looks like she added a point in somewhere but that still should have given me a B- but I'm not complaining. I am so excited that I don't have to retake this class because I hate math so Stats was the bane of my existence this quarter. I'll have to review it a little bit this summer before I take the comps exam to graduate but otherwise I AM DONE FOREVER with Stats! Sweet!

Since school is now officially over for the quarter, I can start looking forward to spending Christmas with my family. I'm also looking forward to Christmas Eve services at my church. We have a candlelight service each year and it's my favorite night of the year to be in church. Then the day after Christmas two of my co-workers and I are headed to Florida for our cruise to the Bahamas on the 27th! We sail from the 27th through the 31st and then we're spending New Year's Eve in Orlando before heading back to Ohio on the 1st. I can't wait because I'm ready for a vacation and because I think it's going to be an amazing bonding experience for Megan, Michelle, and I. :-)

Now I am off to snuggle under my warm fleece blanket and watch The Santa Clause on ABC Family. I love Christmas time. :-)

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