Friday, May 15, 2009

I got...

I got into the school counseling Master's program at UC!!!!! The letter finally came in the mail today and I am beyond thrilled! I have to figure out how I'm going to afford it, but it's official-I'm in!!

I need to get to bed because I just came from watching the Grey's finale at Amy's (can we say holy crap?!?) and I have to be at work in the morning so I'll be back with more logical thoughts and feelings after work.

But YAY!!! I got in!!!!! :-D

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm glad you got in! Yay!!! Congratulations :)

I can't wait to watch this season of Grey's. I watched season four earlier this year and I have been waiting and waiting and waiting for season five to come out on DVD. I hope it does soon!!