Sunday, April 19, 2009

It's official!!

I just got off the phone with the Hampton Inn registration people and it's official: Megan and I are going to Raleigh, North Carolina July 10-12th for Bethany's wedding!!! :-D

I haven't seen Bethany since she graduated from OU and I miss her like crazy! I wish I could get the time off of work to go before the wedding but that's okay. She's going to make a beautiful bride and I'm so stinkin excited to attend her wedding.

I told Megan I'd do some searching because we're going to have all of Friday and part of Saturday to explore and hang out before the wedding. I'm just excited for a road trip with Megan! Anyone who knows us knows that the two of us in a car could be asking for trouble but we're going to have a blast!

Ahhhh I am sooo excited! Finally something to look forward to this summer!

1 comment:

megzie said...

i'm excited. I need a vacation badly