Sunday, May 2, 2010

Flying Pig!

This morning I skipped out of my regular church service after Sunday school and headed downtown to watch Denise cross the finish line at the Flying Pig Marathon! I've seen her through her training for the last few months and was so excited to see her meet her goal of 26.2 miles this morning.

The other night while at the gym for her last short run, she kept coming up with reasons why I didn't need to be there. I told her that rain or shine I would be at the finish line waiting for her. And at the finish line I was. It rained on or off for the hour it took for her to cross the finish line after I got there but I didn't even mind being chilled to the bone. It was so exciting to watch Denise as she hit her goal of 26.2 miles today!

I got to the finish line downtown just in time to watch my aunt Terri cross it with my cousin Brooke running her in! Terri finished in five hours and five minutes or something close to that. Denise was behind her by an hour and came in at six hours and ten minutes. It was so exhilerating to watch them meet their goals today!

Had it not been for my knee issues that set me back in the fall, I would have been running the half marathon today. Next year, though, no excuses. I will be out there coming down the home stretch of the half marathon. I want this so badly. I want to be able to say that I did it! I'm getting ready to head out to Barnes and Noble in a bit to pick up this marathon training book that I've fallen in love with on Amazon and starting tomorrow, my training is in full swing for next year. I can not wait to say that I met this goal. Denise has been such an inspiration for me as I've watched her train for the last few months that I can't wait to run this myself.

I'll end with a picture of Denise and I at the finish line this afternoon. What a great morning!

1 comment:

Miss Meg said...

How awesome!! I'd love to run a marathon, it's one of my life goals... hopefully to run even more than one. I just need to get myself back on track with weight loss so I can start training :)
BTW- can you facebook me the name of the book you're getting? I'm curious!